Sunday 14 January 2018

Master System Month: Alien 3

Game; Alien 3
Console: Sega Master System
Developer: Probe Entertainment
Release Date: 1992

I've yet to watch the Alien films, but before telling me to stop playing Master System games and watch them right away, consider that Alien 3 on Master System has seemingly little to do with the overall plot of the film or series. Players are tasked with rescuing captured comrades in underground air ducts which are crawling with xenomorphs who are pretty quick and can spit acid. Luckily there are weapon and health power-ups scattered all over place to aid players in what would otherwise be a difficult mission.

While there's not a whole lot of variation from level to level, the gameplay is tight, responsive and fun. Planning routes to avoid taking damage from the xenomorphs and hunting for your allies around the map add a strategic element to the game, and the simplicity of the controls allows players to focus on this too.

Graphically the game ins't anything special; too many of the same types of shades appear most of the time with the grey/blue mix being the worst offender, as the colour of the walls, floor, xenomorphs and the player's shirt. The music is good though, and serves as a good accompaniment to the gameplay's changeable pace as xenomorphs attack.

Overall Alien 3 is a fun little Master System title with a good core concept and gameplay, which needed maybe a little more variety to become a true classic for the console. Exploration through the tunnels and ladders in the game is a nice touch for platform games of the time, and the experience is generally a lot better than most licensed games of the 80s.

Rating: 73/100
Grade: C

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