There's plenty of basketball games out there; just like football games there's been several highly popular series as well as individual games and retro titles. Some take a more arcade like approach while others focus on attempting to simulate the sport. I noticed an ever-growing pile of basketball games in my collection so here goes; reviews of every basketball game I own in order of their release.
Game: Basketball Nightmare
Console: Sega Master System
Developer: Sega
Release Date: 1989
Basketball Nightmare is an aptly titled game for the Master System in which the captain of a high school basketball team has a strange dream that he's playing against various different creatures. Predictably, players must beat each of the teams of creatures to progress through the game. From the start, the gameplay is irritatingly slow as each player moves at a snail's pace across the screen.
Of the controller's two buttons, the first is used to jump and shoot with the ball, and the second is used to pass and switch players. Getting the ball off an opponent is very difficult and doesn't seem to be related to the pressing of any particular button. Overall the game feels as if the player is having very little say in what the on-court team does.
Graphically the game looks pretty awful; the player's team is supposedly composed of high schoolers but they appear to be very short and babyfaced, the opponents are what I assume to be wolves, and the use of several clashing bright colours doesn't help matters either. Musically the game features a single theme that loops every 20 seconds or so to bring on a headache in no time.
Overall Basketball Nightmare is a poor attempt at a Basketball game where players have very little control over the slow and tedious on court action. The difficulty level is high thanks to the controls, and it's not enjoyable enough to persevere with, in the hopes of getting to level 2. If this isn't the worst basketball game in the review, I'll be truly surprised.
Rating: 22/100
Grade: F
Game: Arch Rivals
Console: Sega Mega Drive
Developer: Acclaim
Release Date: 1992
Having played and liked the arcade version of Arch Rivals on the
Midway Arcade Treasures collection, it stands to reason that the Mega Drive home conversion of the game should also receive a positive review. The game simplifies the rules of basketball somewhat, with two players on the court instead of the usual five, and no fouls save for shot clock violations. In a move away from more serious basketball simulation, the game also features hazards such as popcorn and soda cans on the court which if hit, will trip team members and give away possession.
There are two buttons used for the control of a single player on court; the other team mate is computer controlled and only responds to pass and shoot commands from the player. The A button is used to shoot whilst in possession, and to jump/block when not in possession. The B button is used to pass when in possession and held down/released in order to punch and dispossess the opposition. Pressing both the A and B buttons will perform a lunge move, when not in possession of the ball, which can be pretty effective at stealing possession.

Graphically the game is more washed out and less cartoon-like than its arcade counterpart, but on the whole it's not too hard to make out what's going on. There are 6 teams featured in all, though none are licensed and two are fictional colleges. The players are the same for each team, and there's only the option to play single games, rather than any sort of tournament or career mode. The music featured behind gameplay loops constantly and resets each time points are scored which can get frustrating if you intend to play for longer than 20 minutes or so.
Overall Arch Rivals isn't without it's issues; it'd have been more enjoyable to control both on-court players, and as C isn't used in the control scheme, this could have been a switch player button, scoring points from anywhere on court is fairly easy; there's no relationship between distance and likelihood of scoring, leaving no need for strategy, and the lack of game modes does make for a definite arcade experience; play once, and move on. If you can get past all of these flaws, there's a fairly fun and violent arcade basketball experience, but it could have been better.
Rating: 71/100
Grade: C
Game: Bulls vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs
Console: Sega Mega Drive
Developer: Electronic Arts
Release Date: 1992
While Arch Rivals chose to adopt an arcade style of basketball play, Bulls vs Lakers goes to the other extreme with simulation; there are 5 players on each team, movement is far slower, all 16 teams who reached the NBA playoffs are licensed and feature their correct rosters, and scoring is far harder than in arcade style games. Players can choose between 2, 5, 8 and 12 minute quarters, in exhibition and tournament modes (the latter simulating the NBA playoffs).
Player movement is almost painfully slow across the court, giving more of a focus to passing; much of the time players are completely blocked by opponents from making runs down the court too. Many types of foul are included in the game such as charging and travelling, which improve the realism but tend to slow down gameplay further also.
Graphically the game is a huge improvement on anything that came before it, with far more facial detail and better animation overall. Unfortunately there's no soundtrack behind gameplay, meaning that all players have to listen to is the referee and coaches vocal clips. Controlwise it's fairly similar to Arch Rivals, without the option to punch or dive at opponents, though there's a nice Alley-Oop option included for when there's a team-mate near the net.
Overall the effort put towards making Bulls vs Lakers more of a simulation than an arcade game hurt its enjoyability due to the slower gameplay, constant foul interruptions, and difficulty in being able to make plays and score points. Perhaps with more time and practice, becoming more skilled at the game might help its playability, but I had a hard time playing more than one game thanks to the slow pace and other issues.
Rating: 46/100
Grade: D
Game: NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
Console: Sega Mega Drive
Developer: Iguana Entertainment
Release Date: 23rd February 1995
NBA Jam is perhaps one of the most famous basketball video game series; in fact there are 2 more games to come in this review which are also in the series. Building on the success of Arch Rivals, but adding in 27 licensed NBA teams as well as a turbo function, and removing the option of brute force to steal the ball, the game features the same kind of 2-on-2 fast paced gameplay, with a new sense of character thanks to catchphrases from the in game announcer, and some humourous options in the cheat menu.
Controlwise, the commands can be set in any combination but the default method of control has A for jumping/faking/shooting, B for a limited amount of turbo boost, helping players get past tricky opponents, and C for passing and trying to steal. With this range of control and strategic options, players are able to take full control of their team. Another new feature of the game is the option to turn on tag team mode, in order to control both team players instead of just one; something I wanted to be improved from Arch Rivals.

One of my favourite features of NBA Jam when compared to other games of the time is the comprehensive stats given to players when they're selecting their team. Each team member has 8 ratings for various different skills, allowing players to plan their strategy effectively; I usually go for 3 point shots to edge out a scoring advantage, so for me players with an 8 or 9 rating on 3 point shots work well. Players can also change which team members are playing, to create any combination they'd like.
As shown above, there's an option to use the mascot of each team as a playable team member. This adds some humour and novelty to the game, especially if playing against a friend. One of the most classic aspects of NBA Jam is the announcer who comments over the gameplay. With phrases like "He's on fire!" after 3 consecutive baskets by one team member, and "Boom-shaka-laka", the game lives on in many gamer's memories for it's unique style and excitement.
Graphically the game is middle-of-the-road, with a more motion captured look than EA's Bulls vs Lakers, meaning the animation is better at the cost of more pixellation overall. The tune that plays behind gameplay isn't overbearing, but is mixed well behind the sound effects and announcer to give interest to the less interesting moments.
Overall NBA Jam: Tournament Edition features exciting and fast paced basketball action, with a good choice of teams and a players, as well as exhibition and tournament modes. With an array of options and a few humourous cheat settings, the game doesn't take itself too seriously, but manages to feel like a more complete experience than Arch Rivals. Besides the announcer, the audiovisual aspects of the game are fairly average, but it's the gameplay and charm which raise things to another level.
Rating: 80/100
Grade: B
Game: Total NBA '97
Console: Sony Playstation
Developer: SCEE London Studio
Release Date: 14th March 1997
Spearheading the next generation of basketball simulation games, Total NBA '97 (known as NBA Shootout '97 in America) featured licensed teams and players from the NBA, Season, Playoff and Exhibition modes, and a variety of game options to personalise the experience to player tastes. Unlike arcade style games, the flow of play relies heavily on scoring 2 point shots and dunks, with far less chance of scoring 3 point shots than many of the other games in this review. This reflects basketball in real life, and doesn't seem to make the game any less fun.
Stats are shown for each team instead of for individual players when picking sides, though there are a small amount of stats shown for each player once a team has been chosen. Controlwise, the game is most similar to NBA Jam as Square is the turbo button, X controls shooting, jumping and stealing, and Circle is used for passing and switching players. These work well, and steals are fairly easy to perform, though not overly so; skilled players should be able to pull off 8-10 steals a game.
Graphically the game looks a little blocky by today's standards, and it can be a little hard at times to keep track of the ball, but there's a nice shine effect on the floors, and the courts, kits and players themselves are well presented for the original Playstation era. The commentary is well performed, but can easily get repetitive as there's only a few clips recorded for each type of scoring, and player names.
Overall Total NBA '97 is the best simulation basketball game so far, as it's able to pull off a fun and engaging experience alongside realistic chances of scoring, stealing and dunking. While the pace may be slower than arcade basketball experiences, the tension is arguably higher, especially with the inclusion of Season and Playoff modes.
Rating: 73/100
Grade: C
Game: Showtime: NBA on NBC
Console: Sega Dreamcast
Developer: Avalanche Software
Release Date: 31st October 1999
Continuing the NBA Jam series (though not in name), Showtime: NBA on NBC is presented in the form of a television broadcast (as most modern sports games are), with quickfire arcade action, a challenge to beat all of the teams in the NBA as its arcade mode, and Create-a-Player mode which has a few basic styles of heads and looks for players, but also features an innovative stats system whereby players can improve their created character with points from winning games, turning them into an unstoppable superstar.
Once again, as an arcade game the action features 2 players per side and moreso than any of the other games featured so far becomes a fast paced scoring contest with shots and dunks being made at both ends of the court constantly. In a regular game with 3 minute quarters it's not unusual for both sides to score in excess of 100 points. Scoring 3 point shots is also far easier than in most games featured so far, and can almost be guaranteed through the use of hotspots (places on the court which have an increased chance of scoring for particular players).

Graphically the game isn't as blocky as Playstation titles, but there's still some work to be done before the players look "normal". That being said, it's good enough to play with, and this is the first game so far to feature support for up to 4 players, giving a true 2 on 2 multiplayer experience. Musically the game's menus and overall feel is exciting, with lower level music behind the game. The announcer is once again a large part of the game character, with the usual comments when players are on fire, or make a particularly spectacular shot.
Overall Showtime:NBA on NBC holds a lot of memories for me as it was the only basketball game I owned for many years. Fans of simulation basketball games may find it far too arcade-like, and playful (there's literally pages worth of cheat codes online for all sorts of characters and effects) but if you're trying to have a laugh with some friends, it's a fast paced and action packed game that puts fun first, even sometimes at the expense of long term playability.
Rating: 73/100
Grade: C
Game: NBA Street
Console: Sony Playstation 2
Developer: NuFX
Release Date: 18th June 2001
Bringing yet another gameplay style to basketball titles, NBA Street expands the arcade approach to include trick moves, points for style, and an urban feel with 3-on-3 games in a first to 21 point format. 1 point is scored for dunks and lay-up shots (traditionally 2 point shots), and 3 pointers are worth 2 points - just to be different. From the outset the game is almost embarrassingly hip and down with the kids, with the speed stat renamed to "Quicks" and an irritating game commentator/coach who won't stop repeating the same few phrases.
Players are given a choice of team members from the NBA, of whom they must pick 3. From the outset Michael Jordan is selectable, and it's not particularly important as to who is selected alongside him, as his stats mean an almost guarantee win unless you're playing on hard mode. Gameplay too is fairly mediocre, with most shots being too easy to pull off; especially 3 pointers for players with a high enough stat. Moving around the court feels too spongey compared to most other basketball games, and overall there's an almost budget feel to the entire experience.

Graphically the game is the most lifelike game yet in this series of reviews, but often doesn't feel as if it is thanks to the animation of most "Street" moves. Backgrounds and onlookers are displayed with a fairly low level of detail, and only a small amount of effort has been made to make any of the locations interesting. The music featured in game mostly consists of basslines over a basic beat in predictable "urban" style for the game.
Overall NBA Street doesn't seem to be quite sure what it wants to be; having re-invented the rules of basketball so that 3 point shots are an even more efficient method of scoring, and added in an arbitrary style score system that fills an onscreen meter, allowing just one amazing shot to be scored once full, it still seems to want players to incorporate the street elements of the game into their overall strategy, despite the fact that it's far easier to ignore all of the style moves and simply go for the distance shots and an easy win - In which case you're better off playing a basketball game without all the tricks and frills.
Rating: 60/100
Grade: D
Game: NBA Jam
Console: Sony Playstation 2
Developer: Acclaim
Release Date: 23rd September 2003
NBA Jam for PS2 was Acclaim's attempt to re-ignite the franchise, providing 3-on-3 gameplay in combination with classic concepts from the earlier Jam games such as being "on fire", scoring hotspots, and an overzealous announcer. There's a Jam Points meter which is similar points system featured in NBA Street, and allows players to make a 4, 5, and even 6 point shot once full. Added to this, the game also offers Jam Tournament and Legends Tournament play modes, as well as create a character, and create a team.
The controls and overall feel are pretty similar to NBA Street, if a little less gimmicky. Steals seem to happen particularly often in game, and some of the time it's even difficult to keep track of who has the ball due to this. The AI can be fairly challenging and frustrating at times, especially as there's no difficulty level setting (though each team has a rating for Offence, Defence and Overall, allowing players to choose the difference in skill between both teams). Having said this, the skill stats don't often matter as there's a harsh catch-up setting for the AI whenever the player's team pulls ahead, rendering their team-mates and attempts at scoring almost useless.

Graphically the game isn't too much of an improvement on the previous games in this review; players are still only somewhat realistic, and the crowd and courtside details aren't overly impressive either. There are some interesting animations, especially shots which are taken from hotspots in which players leap amazing distances to score. The music featured in the game is generally funky and inoffensive, but doesn't really add anything to the gameplay as a whole. The announcer is comparable to other NBA Jam instalments, but not quite as definitive as a feature of the game.
Overall NBA Jam for Playstation 2 is probably best played in multiplayer mode with friends, as there's up to 6 player support and the arcade style is best suited to this sort of play. As a single player game, it falls a little short in many aspects, despite offering a larger range of modes than previously seen. The best way to sum the game up is as a moderately successful attempt at revitalising a classic series, which never reaches the heights of the original.
Rating: 62/100
Grade: C
Game: NBA Live 2004
Console: Sony Playstation 2
Developer: EA Sports
Release Date: 14th October 2003
The first of four simulation basketball games to end this roundup, NBA Live 2004 represents a significant step forward for the simulation genre both in terms of graphics and gameplay. There are several new in-game features since NBA Live 2003, and most of these help to give players more control over their team and overall strategy. The game features all of the NBA teams from the era as well as the Eastern/Western Allstars and dream teams for each decade from the 50s to the 90s.
One of the best features controlwise is that dunks and jump shots have been split into separate button presses; Circle makes a player take a jump shot, even from below the hoop while Square performs a dunk if close enough to the hoop, or a lay up shot if not. The X button is used to pass, while the Triangle is used for a power dribble move, which can cut through opponent's defences. Another new control feature is the custom dribble which is controlled with the right analog stick and works best when used sparingly to get past opponents.

But wait! There's more; off-ball players can be controlled with a tap of L2, and then a button press corresponding to the desired player (though this doesn't work as well as it could do; the computer tends to stand there while the player is chosen, and then pass straight away regardless of opposing players in the way), R2 attempts to set up an Alley-Oop which is sometimes the easiest way to score, and the d-pad controls general defensive tactics while the regular controls on defence remain greatly unchanged.
Overall the controls and gameplay work well together to create a simulation experience that's still rich in action and player choice. It's definitely more difficult to play with weaker teams, and the harder the difficulty level is set, the less scoring there is in general for both teams, but these issues are outweighed by the quality of the game as a whole.
NBA Live 2004 offers a great selection of modes for players who want to simulate the real basketball experience; Season and Dynasty modes allow players to play 28 up to 82 game seasons, including the play-offs (for 1 to the full 7 games), and the Play Now mode allows more casual players to jump straight into the action, or learn the game's controls before attempting a more serious mode.
Graphically the game is the first in this series of reviews to look pretty much like real life basketball. Players are fairly detailed facially and in terms of their physique, and the crowd, courts and other details are well rendered. The views offered in the game differ slightly from most of the previous games too, I mostly used a baseline camera angle which showed action from basket to basket rather than the sideline camera. The only downside to this was that for a quick break of play, the rotation of the camera was a little disorientating.
Overall NBA Live 2004 offers some great features as a simulation basketball game which increase the potential enjoyment for those looking to play a more serious title. End-to-end scoring is more difficult, but the range of options and control available to players works well with the choice of modes and settings that are offered. While it takes a little getting used to, coming from a slew of arcade style titles, in many ways I prefer it to most of the gimmicks offered by NBA Street and others.
Rating: 77/100
Grade: B
Game: NBA Live 07
Console: Sony Playstation Portable
Developer: EA Sports
Release Date: 25th September 2006
The first game in this review for a portable system, NBA Live 07 had 3 years since the release of 2004's effort to improve and build on what was an enjoyable simulation game. The same general assortment of modes remain and menu-wise things are pretty much unchanged. Some minigames and small changes have been added, but the main meat of the game is contained in Play Now, Season and Dynasty Modes.
Controlwise the game has been simplified; perhaps for PSP controls as there are less shoulder buttons, but I'm fairly sure the PS2 version is pretty much the same. Gameplay tends to be a little closer to arcade style games with baskets being easier to score and defences less difficult to break through whilst dribbling. The free dribbling and powerup features don't add too much to the gameplay however, leaving the experience feeling a little lacking at times.
Graphically the game has a few issues which make it difficult for players to tell what's happening onscreen. Part of the problem is the size of the PSP screen, but the game's motion an animations don't particularly help either. The commentary is much the same as that featured in Live 2004 and tends to change with whichever team is winning; a team can go from "needing to do more" to "having been excellent the entire game" with a single basket.
NBA Live 07 on the PSP feels like a step back from 2004's instalment in many ways; on the handheld console the graphics aren't the best, the controls have been reverted to a simple "one button to shoot" system and the game as a whole feels more like a mix between arcade and simulation play, leaving something to be desired from both aspects. While it's still an enjoyable experience, there's better arcade and simulation titles, and this should only appeal to those who want a bit of both, for a portable console, which is surely a small market.
Rating: 69/100
Grade: C
Game: NBA 2K12
Console: Sony Playstation 2
Developer Virtuos
Release Date: 4th October 2011
The final two games of this review are from the 2k basketball series, which in recent years has been the pick of the licensed basketball series, with EA's Live series taking a break between 2010-13 and coming back with an incredibly poorly received instalment in NBA Live '14. The 2k series however, was going from strength to strength with quality simulation titles. NBA 2k12 features all of the licensed teams from the NBA as well as All Star Teams from the Eastern/Western Conferences and various decades of the NBA.
The choice of gameplay modes is pretty similar to the Live series, with the addition of Michael Jordan mode; giving players the opportunity to face any of the teams Michael Jordan played for at the peak. There's also "The Asscociation" mode which acts like a manager simulation for the basketball season (though the games can be played manually also). Season and Playoff modes work in very much the same way as all other basketball games.
Gameplay is probably the closest yet to realistic basketball, with a reasonable number of fouls and free throws called as well as tough but beatable team defences, and a good balance between 2 and 3 point opportunities. Default quarters last 5 minutes, within which the level of scoring is usually only slightly above real life basketball. To reach 100ish point scorelines players would need 10 minute quarters or thereabouts. Momentum also seems to play a big part in team scoring, as teams go on scoring runs and the lead swings one way and the other.
Controlwise the game is fairly basic, but this allows players to use a general strategy and let the AI worry about the finer details. If a player is close enough to the basket to dunk, he'll dunk and if there's a rebound to be caught, once a player is close enough, you'll automatically get the ball. The overall difficulty of the game is fairly low, but can be adjusted in many different ways to find the perfect balance. A nice feature of the difficulty settings is that raising the level of difficulty doesn't suddenly turn the opponent into superhumans, but instead means they'll get a higher proportion of chances to score, unless you're on the ball with defence.

Graphically the game seems to look far worse in screenshots than it is; while the introductions to games feature pretty poor body modelling and the crowd leave much to be desired, the players and basketball courts and details are well displayed considering they're running on what was a 12-year old system. The commentary on games is of a good quality and only repeats itself a few times per game, and the crowd sounds are pretty impressive on the whole.
Overall NBA 2K12 does a great job as a simulation style basketball game, with realistic play and strategy combining with simple controls and customisable options. If you have the time for each game to last around 20 minutes then this is a great choice, however if you'd rather have shorter games with higher scorelines this may not be quite the right game.
Rating: 78/100
Grade: B
Game: NBA 2K13
Console: Nintendo WiiU
Developer: Visual Concepts
Release Date: 18th November 2012
As a launch title for the WiiU, NBA 2K13 needed to show off the new console's capabilities both graphically and with the WiiU gamepad in a sports game setting. Arguably the most interesting mode of the game is the Create a Player mode which begins at the Rookie Showcase game, continues through the NBA Draft and eventually sees players through a number of seasons with whichever teams they are picked by/transferred to. It's fairly in depth and has a lot of impressive features.
The gameplay in Create a Player mode allows for controlling only your created player at any time in the game, thus forcing players to create their own chances, and move into good positions for scoring and defending. As the game continues players are given a "teammate grade" for thing they've done well or badly, which fluctuates as events occur. One of the issues with this initially is that players must build up their skill points to improve, and so whilst playing with a fairly unskilled player, it can be difficult to make any real positive impact on games, especially in terms of point scoring until they've spent their upgrade points.

Exhibition match, Season and Playoff modes allow players to control the entire team of players and in this way can be a little easier than Create a Player mode. The overall gameplay is once again matched closely to the real life game of basketball. Scoring can be a little more difficult than in the previous instalment with legitimate looks at the basket needed to score much of the time. Dunks have become more of a rare occurrence and my only real complaint of the AI as a whole is that there's some harsh catch-up tactics that are used in the 4th quarter, should the player be leading the game which often result in a tight loss or having to fight against what seem to be miraculous scoring opportunities for the win.
The WiiU's gamepad can be used in a variety of ways, displaying game stats, heat maps for players bodies, tactics and substitution options or just what's on the TV screen. While this is impressive and seemingly useful, I didn't often feel the need to look at or interact with the gamepad, and because of the button assignment (B for accept, A for back), I often found myself confused in menus and gameplay options.
Graphically the game looks great; maybe not 8th generation super detailed, but close enough for each player to be recognisible, and the experience to almost mirror the real life experience. The animations and fluidity of players movements are particularly impressive, and the broadcast style presentation adds a finishing touch to the package. The commentary and sounds in-game are also the best of any seen in this set of reviews, and probably any basketball game until the next one came out.
Overall NBA 2K13 feels fairly similar to the last instalment in many ways, despite the 2 generation gap between the systems I played the games on. Graphically there are obvious improvements, and the new modes and features add a bit of interest for those seeking somewhat of a deeper gaming experience. For simulation basketball this is a good choice, providing you can stand the AI's tough comebacks in the 4th quarter every game.
Rating: 79/100
Grade: B
And so I've reached the end of my basketball roundup, having played every basketball game that I own. There's a definite divide between simulation and arcade titles through the years, with NBA Jam games at the height of their popularity between '95 and '03, and simulation titles picking up in popularity more recently. Perhaps the ability of newer consoles to more accurately depict the sport have played a part in this. Anyway, for convenience here's the summary of my grades and scores for each of the games in this review.
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition | MD |
| B | 80.10 |
NBA 2K13 | WiiU |
| B | 79.50 |
NBA 2K12 | PS2 |
| B | 78.05 |
NBA Live 2004 | PS2 |
| B | 77.20 |
Showtime NBA on NBC | DC |
| C | 73.72 |
Total NBA '97 | PS |
| C | 73.32 |
Arch Rivals | MD |
| C | 71.05 |
NBA Live 07 | PSP |
| C | 69.80 |
| C | 62.10 |
NBA Street | PS2 |
| D | 60.8 |
Bulls vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs | MD |
| D | 46.35 |
Basketball Nightmare | MS |
| F | 22.25 |