Monday 3 June 2013

Worst of Master System Part 4: Transbot, Marble Madness and Super Tennis

Game: Transbot
Console: Sega Master System 
Developer: Sega
Release Date: 1986

Transbot is a space shooter for Master System where the player controls a spaceship and attempts to make it through two (yes, two) levels to the final boss. Don't be fooled into thinking that this is a short game, however; the first level is ridiculously long, taking about ten minutes to scroll across. The second level in comparison is only about five minutes long, and once you're there slaying the boss is fairly easy. One rather irritating thing about the game is that there is no ending. Instead of a congratulations or even any story at all, you're taken back to a more difficult version of the first level for the game to repeat infinitely. 

Graphically the game's pretty nice, a vibrantly coloured player sprite and interesting enemies keep the action from becoming tedious in the long first level, until the enemies have repeated so much that you wonder whether the level is ever going to end. Along the bottom of the screen, there's a van that drives by every now and then, which if shot provides you with a powerup to change your form. 

There are 6 different forms your ship can take, 3 of which are the ship, with different types of missiles, the other 3 see the ship taking different shapes, with a spread missile, a two-way shot and a laser wave. This gives good variety to the gameplay, and the music is decent, if a little repetitive. Once the player gets onto level 2 there's a few new enemies and a change of scenery but that's about it, really. 

Overall this game could have been much better with a greater number of shorter stages, more akin to Space Harrier. A proper ending would have also helped give a sense of completion and achievement to the ending. In the end the game feels like it's missing key features and thus not as fulfilling as it could be. 

Rating: 46/100
Grade: D

Game: Marble Madness
Console: Sega Master System
Developer: Sega
Release Date: 1992

Marble Madness is a fairly simple game, for the Master System (amongst other consoles) in which the player controls a ball through a maze, to get to the end. There's 6 levels and whilst its not the most action packed game you'll ever play, it controls decently, and can give a little bit of fun for a while at least. Graphically the game is pretty basic, perhaps a by-product of being ported around to different consoles, but its not the most graphically intensive of concepts either.

The levels increase in difficulty to the point of near impossibility with the time limit spurring you on, the level designs are fairly challenging sometimes, but for the most part they're done well. Easily the best part of the game is the music, although its not exactly fitting, its nice to see the Master System sound chip being used well. Overall its a fun little game with good music and no more than that.

Rating: 39/100
Grade: E

Game: Super Tennis
Console: Sega Master System
Developer: Sega
Year: 1986

Super Tennis is possibly one of the worst game I've ever played. As the title would imply it's a tennis game, for the Master System. I'll start with the good features of the game; the graphics aren't terrible although I've seen much better, there's also a decent selection of options, upon start-up with choices of difficulty, doubles and singles and player type.

The outer edge of the court is a horrible greeny brown colour, and the only music in the game is a little tune that plays after each game. The hit detection is almost random, hitting the ball is based mostly on luck and even being able to serve is something that takes a fair amount of luck and practice. The players move slowly and its difficult to even get to the ball in some cases, making the game rather hard to enjoy.

On the whole although this is an early Master System game, the errors it makes are inexcusable, and make gameplay unrewarding and frustrating.

Rating: 10/100
Grade: F

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